5 Habits of Clean People That You Can Adopt in Your Home

For some, keeping house comes naturally. For others, particularly those with young children, it can feel like a constant battle. If your home is not as tidy as you would like, implementing some carefully chosen new habits can be all that it takes to tip the scales. Make cleaning and tidying more manageable than ever before by adopting these habits “clean people” already know.
Leave Your Shoes by the Door
Sometimes, the secret to keeping your home clean and tidy is to simply avoid dirtying it at all. Your shoes are host to grime and germs that accumulate throughout the day. On bad days? Shoes may trek in mud, dirt or even gum discarded on the sidewalk. Take your shoes off and leave them by the door to ensure your floors are cleaner longer.
Clean While You Cook
The classic “clean as you go” technique is perhaps the most beneficial when it comes to cooking. A great home-cooked meal can often come with an unexpectedly big mess. To prevent a huge chore after the meal is eaten, try to clean up splatters and spills as you cook. While items are baking or simmering, consider washing large cookware and other items to clear up space. This will prevent overwhelm when the meal is finished.
Make Your Bed
You don’t need to layout your sheets with military precision to benefit from a made bed. If you’re not a bed-maker by nature, start small by simply tossing the comforter and pillows into place in the mornings and gently adjusting them. You’ll be amazed at how much your space visually improves by taking a few minutes to make the bed.
Straighten Up
Cleaning up can be helpful, but if your favorite throw blanket seems to find a home on the couch every day, then a gentle straightening session can be just what you need. Instead of putting an item that you need away, simply lay it out or sort it with intention. A bundled-up blanket looks disheveled, a throw blanket laid out on the side of the couch offers a lived-in, yet tidy feel. The same is true for papers that need to be filed or books that you want to read. Stacking them nicely can do wonders.
Take Five Each Night
At the end of the day, the last thing you may want to do is clean, but a five minute tidy can be all it takes to keep stray clutter at bay. Errant snack bowls, kids’ socks and electronics that were left out can quickly add up. Take five minutes at night to make cleaning easy.
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